
Food Porn Pics
Food Porn Pics
Food Porn Pics
I used to say that I wouldn't be one of 'those people' to post pics of whatever they were eating BUT when you have the most amazing meal sitting in front of you at a restaurant you just can't help it sometimes! lol You want to share it with the world. My social media peeps probably hate me with the food porn...
Are You Mean to Your Friends Too?
Are You Mean to Your Friends Too?
Are You Mean to Your Friends Too?
The I measure true friendship is how mean we can be to each other and still enjoy it. One of my favorite games to play is "Who does this look like?" It's a pretty simple game. All you need is a friend, a photo editor meme, and a funny photo that looks like said friend...
Back to School Pics
Back to School Pics
Back to School Pics
School is just around the corner and that means all the kiddos will be going to school in their new school clothes.