
This Is How My Monday Started Off
This Is How My Monday Started Off
This Is How My Monday Started Off
Well happy Monday to me! (insert eye roll here) Hell to the no to this stinkin spider that greeted me as I attempted to go to the restroom at work this morning. Needless to say, I turned around and went back to the B studios and told Leo to come save me and kill it!
This Is How My Monday Is Going…..
This Is How My Monday Is Going…..
This Is How My Monday Is Going…..
How is your Monday going? This is how mine started out. A broken coffee pot, thus no coffee for me to start off my work week! (insert crying emoji here) Don't you love it when things like this happen? In my household, I start asking around. Who broke the coffee pot? Does anyone know what happened?
mondays suck
mondays suck
mondays suck
So how is your Monday? Mine started off with a fall, how bow dah? lol Unfortunately I don't have the actual photo or video of me face planting at my house but just know I have the scratches and in a couple of days bruises to prove it!