We are proud to be a CMN , Children's Miracle Network station. So, Jimmy Kimmel's story about his son last night touched us and reminded us about the importance of Children's Hospitals like Medical Center Hospital.
We have talked about so many stories like his during our CMN Radiothons and our heart goes out to Jimmy and his family and little baby BILLY...
Our 'Late Night' groupie is back at it. Harold Fuller, the Co-Owner and General manager of our West Texas Drillers was on national TV again this past week. He was on Jimmy Kimmel's Video Wall and he was chosen to answer some question from Kimmel...
"Everybody wants one!"
In celebration (maybe?) of this week's long-in-the-making 'Dumb and Dumber,' star Jim Carrey decided to really spice up his appearance last night on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live.' More precisely, he really wanted to Lloyd it up, doling out hideous Lloyd Christmas-styled bowl cuts to the good people of Hollywood Blvd. How could this possibly go wrong?