
New Moms Everywhere Are Struggling To Find This For Baby On Store Shelves
New Moms Everywhere Are Struggling To Find This For Baby On Store Shelves
New Moms Everywhere Are Struggling To Find This For Baby On Store Shelves
I was truly hoping that the situation that began during the pandemic where there are shortages of certain items was over but I am quickly discovering that is not the case. I have been seeing on my personal social media pages, mother's reaching out to other mother's for help. As a proud mother of 3, this immediately piqued my interest, I had to figure out what was going on?
baby keurig
baby keurig
baby keurig
So I went to a dear friend's baby shower this weekend and discovered that I am behind the times as far as what is out there for a baby these days. As my friend was opening her gifts, she opened up a 'baby Keurig' no lie. Many of us have Keurig's by now and for adults it is pretty self explanatory but first of all why does a baby need a Keurig and second how the heck does it work?