All apples are created equal right? A few years ago I would have said, yes just give me a red one and be done with it. Seriously, I grew up eating red apples or green apples, whatever mom grabbed at the store that day and didn't think twice about it, I've always loved apples! Cut to, summer of 2020 when I tried a new one and now there is no other for me...
I think just about everyone has a few foods they absolutely love but everyone else thinks they are completely barftastic. Cottage cheese is one of my favorite foods. I was vegetarian for 3 years (and still dominantly am to be honest) and I was a total gym rat...
One thing we have plenty of in West Texas is Drive Thru's. We love our guns and we love not getting out of the car. We love it so much we have drive thru beer stores. The question is, who's the fastest. Don't be hatin'. I know as soon as I asked that a few of you were thinking "Well I definitely know who's NOT the fastest...