If you drive around Texas, it won’t take long to come across a political sign, it makes sense as we are quickly approaching an important presidential election. There are signs for both parties that are becoming more and more noticeable as they continue to pop up all over the Lone Star State. Obviously, you have every right to vote for who you think is best but there are some rules about displaying a political sign if that is something you want to do.  

These rules apply for anyone who wants to display a political sign, so I want to make sure you don’t get yourself in trouble. First, most cities or counties have regulations regarding the size of a sign, don’t go pay for a gigantic sign without making sure you’re allowed to display it. To save yourself a headache if you have an HOA, you might want to check with them as well. 

Display Political Signs

Rules You Need to Follow for Political Signs in Texas 

Other rules you must follow include making sure you take your sign now in a timely fashion, if left up for too long you could receive a fine or penalty. Also, you’re not allowed to attach your sign to any public right-of-way, public utility poles, trees, traffic control devices, or other public structures. It’s best to keep it on your property. 

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Don’t Touch a Sign That’s Not Yours 

If you remove or attempt to remove a sign not belonging to you it could result in your arrest and a misdemeanor charge of trespassing, theft, and/or vandalism. If the damage is large enough you could face a felony. So, don’t touch things that don’t belong to you.

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Etiquette Rules Often Broken in Texas

Here are some simple etiquette rules to remember.

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

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