One of my best memories from Halloween when I was little was the year I got a 'rotten apple.' Let me explain....

I was allowed to go around our block and trick-or-treat at all the neighbors houses, so by the time I got home, my little pumpkin bucket was FULL! The best part was dumping my candy out on the table to 'assess the damage' and begin to weed out the yucky candy. lol Well one year I was about 6 or 7, I remember being so upset telling my mom that one of the neighbors gave me a rotten apple. She had a good laugh then explained to me that it was actually a pomegranite. Apparently I had never seen one before, let alone eat one, so once we peeled it open and I tried it, I was hooked! Maybe you should consider giving out rotten apples a.k.a. pomegranite's this year at your houses!

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