
Is It Illegal To Text While Stopped At A Red Light In Texas?
Is It Illegal To Text While Stopped At A Red Light In Texas?
Is It Illegal To Text While Stopped At A Red Light In Texas?
Texting and driving. Don't just don't do it. It is never a good idea for obvious reasons. So now that we've got that out of the way, what are the alternatives? Do you have one of those apps that informs friends and family, if they message you that you are driving and cannot text at that time? I've received those automatic messages before. Genius app by the way.
Please Spread The Word On These Summer Meals
Please Spread The Word On These Summer Meals
Please Spread The Word On These Summer Meals
Thanks to an amazing B93 listener for sharing such an important piece of information with us, we felt the need to pass it on. If you or someone you know is struggling to put food on the table this summer, here is what you can do locally:
answer or decline?
answer or decline?
answer or decline?
Today's 'aye-aye holiday' as I like to call them is National Telephone Day. It is especially aye-aye because I do not like to talk on the phone anymore. lol In the day and age of texting, forget it. If it can be text to me and if you are not my momma, you can text it.
My Husband’s Ex Still Text Him (Audio)
My Husband’s Ex Still Text Him (Audio)
My Husband’s Ex Still Text Him (Audio)
Leo and Rebecca BUZZ QUESTION...My Husband still gets TEXTS from his EX wife. They have 2 kids together but heres the THING. The text have nothing to do with the kids! My husband says he DOESN'T RESPOND to her text at all and leaves it at that...
Men Text Differently Than Women [Audio]
Men Text Differently Than Women [Audio]
Men Text Differently Than Women [Audio]
Men talk differently than woman and now they have determined that Men text different than women. You think. Considering guys usually prefer texting to talking on the phone you'd think they'd have better texting skills.  Here's a list of the six different ways men text women ...