On this extremely cold Fit Friday, here are some tips to help you out with keeping up your exercise routine when it's an ice box outside.

Get the right clothes – if the cold weather is keeping you from even wanting to step outside, the right clothes and gloves can help you stay motivated.

Pace Yourself – If work is crazy right now and you don’t have the time to spend outdoors, that’s ok. You can get a few short, 10 minute, exercises throughout the day instead of one long workout.

Find a Friend – If the cold has you arguing with yourself whether to work out, get a friend. They can inspire to you exercise when you really aren’t feeling it and chatting with them will make the time go faster.

Get Some New Music – Sometimes, the right song can get you going and your heartrate up so make sure your phone or Ipod has the freshest songs to keep you interested in working out. If you have more fast paced songs, you can get your heartrate up easier. Or you can just listen to us here on B93!


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