Chico' Tacos is the best meal I've ever eaten. And, after this weekend it continues to be. If you have ever lived or grown up in El Paso, Texas then you know that Chico's Taco's is an El Paso tradition. It's pretty much what 'Rosas' is to the 432.

I grew up in El Paso and yes I can remember my first time eating Chicos as a kid. Since then, I was hooked. Then again, most of El Paso and people who have eaten there, is hooked.

So what's does Chico's  Tacos consist of?

A single order is three rolled taco's ( think of flautas). Place them in an awesome special made tomato sauce or more like juice. Then put shredded cheese all over it. Eat the tacos with your hands, dip a crinkled French fries in the cheese and when your all done don't forget to drink the remaining juice in the container. That's the way I eat them. My mouth is watering right now. Don't forget to dip some in the green sauce they give you. Must head back to El Paso and grab another 'double order'!

Simply the best food I have ever eaten. What's the best food you've ever eaten?


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